Elect Jack Daus to HD4
Jack's Platform
Jack knows there are many things affecting our lives right now.
He sees a handful of them in his backyard as a Denver resident.
He sees gaining more control of the Colorado State Legislature
an important aspect in dealing with some of these problems.
The current legislature is not minding the state on a local level
and is doing everything it can to keep pace with the liberals in Washington, DC.
This is why Jack Daus has stepped up to represent Colorado House District 4 as a Republican.
His platform is four issues that everyone can agree upon:
School Choice and Ending CRT
Critical Race Theory (CRT) was uncovered by parents nationwide
when their children were required to lockdown at home.
While the kiddos may have been bored with the lesson,
eavesdropping moms and dads got a real education on what
their children were learning at school.
It appears the public school system is broken.
It is unclear if it is broken statewide, but once the Republicans gain more control of the State House,
we will be able to get an idea how much of Colorado has been exposed to CRT.
This means, now more than ever, parents should be able to choose where their children go to school.
These parents should receive a portion of their taxes returned, to pay for these other options.
Introducing legislation to help parents who homeschool or enroll
their children into private schools is necessary.
School district budgets need examined and parents of children not enrolled
on a fulltime basis should be given a portion of the money earmarked for their children.
There is an exodus from the public schools that are peddling Critical Race Theory.
While educators have embedded CRT in our children's curriculum,
private schools and homeschooling are the solution to ensure our children's educations currently.
If we reimburse parents who have taken their children out of public schools a portion of the money designated for the child,
eventually CRT will be removed from our public schools by regime change and practicality.

Homelessness and Mental Health
The City and County of Denver, like other Colorado metropolitan areas,
spends hundreds of millions of dollars on programs for the homeless.
In 2020 the voters of Denver approved a sales tax that would gain Denver's coffers
at least $10,000,000 dollars every quarter.
This forty-million dollar a year slush fund had no direction
when approved by Denver's well-intentioned voters.
Activists from Arapahoe and Denver Counties tried to pass a ballot
initiative to use the $40+ million dollars a year to establish four encampments in 2021.
These areas would give homeless showers, a lighted safe-space to pitch their tents,
elctricity, and an address for their clergy, family, AA and NA sponsors,
probation and parole officers, and mental health counselors to find them.
Unfortunately, voters in Denver turned down the prospect of giving
the homeless four county owned, safe-spaces to stay.
Along with voting down the services so need for these lost souls,
voters also voted down the second portion of the ballot measure.
The ballot initiative also wanted to bolster law enforsement's ability to remove squatters from private property.
The safe-spaces were supposed to be the best option for relocation.
As it stands now, property owners have little recource when the homeless camp on their land in Denver County.
If the Colorado House of Representatives becomes more conservative,
the legislature can examine the out-of-control crime on our streets because of the drug addicted and mentally ill.
It is now a statewide problem, and it is time the state legislature
set some expectation regarding how all this money is spent.
Citizens in Colorado are being taxed large amounts to help the homeless and mentally ill.
Money can be spent frivolously by bureaucrats.
It is time state legislators help taxpayers see safer streets.
We cannot legislate people's behavior.
Addicts are going to use drugs regardless of the laws.
Anyone who takes services should be in counseling.
We are spending too much in the State of Colorado to have this level of homelessness.
It is time we use all of the money earmarked for mental health to actually be spent on this illness.

Inflation and Affordable Housing
Jack Daus remembers the area used to be an affordable part of Denver,
with a hometown feel.
"The legalization of cannabis exasperated Colorado's 'popularity-problem' a decade ago.
Real estate in Colorado has escalated everywhere."
"The cost of housing is a local issue, and at the same time it can be
highly influenced by the whims of interest rates and economic stability.
And while these factors add to the cost of living,
the City and County of Denver and the State of Colorado
have been adding tax after tax its citizens
in the form of property taxes, sales taxes, personal income tax, fees on service industries and more."
"We cannot influence the national real estate and financial markets very much as individuals.
However, we can push back on the taxes and fees levied on us by the State of Colorado.
Taxes are large expense in all of our lives, and it is time we started talking about them
and objecting to the size of our state government."
"If I am elected to the Colorado House of Representatives my goal will be to reduce the size of our state government.
I am a businessman, and am a skilled trades man, who recognizes the need to be active in the process right now.
I do not have a desire to become a politician, so I will be able to focus on my goal.
Please consider voting for me to represent you in HD4.
Reducing the size of our state government and slashing taxes is one of my top priorities."

Jack doesn't have to tell you the streets around our homes are more dangerous than they used to be.
People were required to stand six-feet apart for over a year,
yet it seems like our personal space has been violated when it comes to our private property.
Car break ins and thefts, violent crime, burglaries, and muggings are on the rise in North Denver.
Canceling the police has been a disaster in so many cities.
Having a lenient prosecuting attorneys has not just been bad for Denver County,
but the entire state of Colorado.
The state legislature has the ability to bolster local law enforcement legislatively so they can
investigate and expose local governments that are corrupt.
If we can increase the number of Republicans in the Colorado State Legislature
we can bring many problems into the sunlight.
There are years of leftist control and layers of corruption and bureaucracy.
Getting control of the Colorado Legislature is the key to righting this ship.
Where is HD4?
Colorado House District 4 rests between Federal and Sheridan.
It has a border of 52 Avenue on the northern edge.
It is bordered by Kentucky Avenue on the southern edge.
It contains Sloan Lake, Lakeside Park, and portions of Regis University.
The West Highlands, Berkeley, Sunnyside, and Barnum neighborhoods are included within the boundaries of HD4.